Can you add 16KB to my RAM?

Nice to meet you, I'm Mauro.

I mainly develop web apps' frontends in Javascript, but I can help you on other activities too. Except graphic design ;-)

Every piece in its place

I can follow you in your web projects - portals, applications, intranets - and help you code your design in a rational, testable and solid interface.

Keeping costs under control

If you want to work together on an hours basis, you will have visibility of the hours used, updated every day, avoiding surprises.


I come from many experiences in the field of backend, I know well the possible problems that are hidden in the production and consumption of web services, whether they are API Rest or GraphQL. I help you in the task of creating a dialogue between the two worlds, client and server.


React, Typescript, Storybook, Webpack. (for other skills visit my LinkedIn profile)